Thursday, August 23, 2012

When Dinner Flops...

We had a great day Monday ... really, we did! I took all three kiddos to a doctor's visit {first time I've done that and they did pretty darn well}, went to "The One Dollar Store" as my number 1 calls it, even dropped off a prescription at the pharmacy. {I still haven't picked it back up yet, but you have to know your limits with 3 children!} Later, we made homemade soft pretzels that I pinned from this website here. They were amazing, by the way...

And then dinner came...

I had planned to make some Italian Chicken - chicken with canned tomatoes, garlic, basil, marscapone cheese, served over noodles - and french bread. I don't know what I did different, but the chicken was slightly dry and the french bread was flat! And then, of course, I got a little frustrated when number 2 removes the noodles from her plate and onto her napkin, number 1 demands that he will NOT eat that chicken, and number 3 just wants to be held.

Why is it that the dinners I plan and put effort into are the ones the kids dislike the most? They would be happy with hot dogs, chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, and ramen noodles. Hubby is happy with meat and starch ... forget trying to make anything fancy. Should I just give up and make the same boring meals day in and day out?

What do you do? Do you make meals everyone loves even if you don't? Or do you try to broaden your children's {or hubby's} palates?

We are all entitled to something a little more adult meals every now and then, right?


  1. I try a new meal once every two weeks or so. I tell everyone if it is NOT edible, we will go out to dinner. (They get to talking about where we are going to go and that gets their mind off of how {dry, ugly, green.....} it looks.) Everyone has to try it. If they absolutely do not like it, there is always some leftovers in the fridge. The meal is always edible, we have yet to "go out" and at least one person likes it. Once a week I make something that 1 person LOVES. My family has found that if they don't like something one day, it'll be better tomorrow. I even sneak stuff into the meatloaf or spaghetti sauce, healthy veggies and such. If you want more adult meals, make them! Just serve your kids left over hot dogs and fries. Tell the hubby to try it, you'll like it! :) Good luck!

  2. I love the idea of just once every two weeks trying something new!! Then maybe it wont feel like an everyday rut! Thanks!!
