Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 7

Today I'm thankful for my job. Yes, technically I am a stay-at-home-mom and am so lucky to have that job. But this year I picked up something a little more my musical style.

I have the opportunity to teach music to preschoolers (ages 1-5) two times a week. They even help take care of my girls while I am there, allowing me some time doing something I love.

Music has always been a love of mine. I've sung in choirs and such since I was 10 years old. And there is something magical about seeing a two year old with a big smile on their face while they are bobbing their head in rhythm to "Old McDonald Had a Farm'"

And somehow, these children are teaching me. You see, the preschool is at a church and during the time I am there, I get to share a little spiritual message with the kids. They may not be the same denomination as I am, and they may not be the same denomination as the preschool. Yet, we are learning about God and His love for each one of us.

Last month we talked about the love Jesus Christ has for us. I told the kids I was going to show them a picture of someone Jesus loves. I then passed around a mirror and asked the kids who was in the picture. The smiles on their faces was priceless! And each child knew that they were loved.

Not long after I began these lessons, I realized I needed to be doing that same thing for my children. So of course, I implemented a little spiritual message in our home on a daily basis (well, that's my intentions anyway!). I feel like it has truly made a difference in our home.

It may not pay the bills .... it may not be the highest caliber of learning .... however, I love my job and am thankful for the things I learn from these kids daily!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 6

I think I'm supposed to be grateful for the freedom to vote today .... and don't get me wrong, I totally am! I went and voted to voice my opinion. I would say I waited in lines forever, but I think everyone around me waited in line for early voting. So for me, I was in and out and on my way! 

Therefore, between stressing over the election (my anxiety is about to get the best of me!), the time change (yes, Maecie is still waking up an hour early!), and no school for kids, my gratitude comes in the form of caffeine!

My favorites, my vices ... Diet Coke and Chocolate!

Ahhhhh.....that's better! Yes, a Diet Coke and some chocolate is all it took to get me over the hump and through the day! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude - Days 4 & 5

I figured that at least once or twice during this 30 days of gratitude I would have to double up on my posts because of time constraints. (Did you know there are only 24 hours in a day?! Good grief!) But I didn't think it would be this early in the month....

Day 4: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a Mormon). I am a Christian. I read my scriptures and pray. And I am SO incredibly thankful that I live in a country where I can worship God freely, and in the way I desire. When I hear of other countries who are thrown in prison for praying or worse, I can barely fathom it. How blessed and lucky are we to be a part of a country where freedom is actually practiced!

Day 5: I am incredibly thankful for my siblings! Today is my oldest sister's birthday and it served as a reminder that I have awesome siblings. My sisters and brother and I have always been able to spend time with one another, laughing and generally having fun. In spite of our disagreements at times, we know that we can count on one another. Love them all!

My sisters and I two Christmases ago ... missing my brother...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 3

I have such a handy hubby! And I am so grateful for all the work he does and is able to do. Because of him, our 1965 house now has a laundry room! The finishing touches are happening still, but a separate room with cabinets and laundry baskets... I'm almost giddy! Here's to hoping the laundry stays in the laundry room!

Thank you to my handy, helpful husband!!

Another Thankful Blogger:
Where Is My Instruction Manual

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 2

Whether it's the funny things they say, like the following exchange:
Clayton: I love you, Lucie!
Maecie: No! I wove yucie! You no wove yucie!
Clayton: No! I love Lucie the mostest!

Ignore the mess on the floor ... yes, my house always has toys and paper everywhere!

Or the way all three have to find a way on my lap during bedtime stories on our 1 person sized rocking chair ....

These little people bring a light to my life that I could not find anywhere else! I am so thankful for these cuties in my life! I love them a whole lotta bit!

Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 1

There is something about the weather changing that changes my mood. Although I LOVE the fall colors, I tend to get a little bummed when the cooler temps start. So to combat those yucky feelings and pity parties, I'm going to join the 30 Days of Gratitude for November. (But of course, I'm a day late!)

It was a busy day. All of our days are busy. After dropping off Clayton at school and completing my Zumba class at the gym, we headed to Target to pick up a couple of items. No matter what I do, a quick trip always ends up going a little longer than planned. 

Maecie has learned that she can walk through the store if she promises to stay close. Once she wonders away, she goes straight into the cart. It has actually worked better that I initially thought it would. She does a wonderful job in the store ... unless she wants to touch everything she sees. Or tosses random stuff in the cart.

In spite of her wandering and touching and asking for everything, we walked out of the store with her standing next to the cart. As we walked to the car, a lady behind asked if Maecie was leading the pack. I responded with, "she is sure trying!" and gave a little chuckle that actually might have sounded more like an exasperated sound. The lady then gave me a smile and said, "You are doing a good job, mom!"

At first, I wanted to roll my eyes and tell her she had no idea. However, I paused and thought about it. I'm trying to do my best. I'm trying to teach my children how to behave in public places. To allow them to learn by giving them opportunities to make mistakes. Strangers don't normally say nice things just because they feel obligated to. They tend to speak the truth, warranted or not.

Yet, she chose to take a moment to reassure me of my choices. To give me a motherly nod towards my efforts. 

Today, I'm thankful for the kindness of strangers!