Number 1 is such a lively fella ... he likes to run, jump, roar at his sisters, do super cool tricks, and "art" daily! I know that he will love school and come home with so much more knowledge than I could offer him. But I've got first day jitters.
>Kindergarten means we have a set schedule Monday thru Friday.
>Kindergarten means my best helper will be gone 7 hours out of the day, without me knowing his every move, and in someone else's care!
>Kindergarten means that as soon as he gets home, we have just enough time to do homework, eat dinner, maybe take a walk around the block, bath and bed!
>Kindergarten means we are all going to be tired!
And I keep wondering .... Have I prepared him well? Will he be on his best behavior? Is he going to adjust well? Will I adjust well? Is he going to make new friends the first day? Will his teacher be able to keep his attention... or worse, find him disruptive?
So many questions that I don't know the answer to and won't know until it happens. I can't "google" to find the answer and I can't follow him around everyday just to ease my mind.
This Mama Beare needs to know .... How did you do it? How did you adjust? OR do you think I'm crazy and just need to let go? You tell me....How did you get rid of first day jitters??
I don't think you are crazy at all. I think all of us moms think the same when our first little ones start school for the first time.. It did take me a little while to get adjusted. I did cry :'( I would say if you can volunteer in his class room. That way you see how he is doing. That helped e a lot.
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana! I think that is a great idea! I will be definitely be signing up to volunteer!!