Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Conquering Public Places

I confess ... three children is quite the zoo sometimes - especially when they are 5 years, 2 years, and 5 months old! Yet a friend commented, "you make 3 look so easy!". And our pediatrician has even asked, "How do you do it?" Here's the true story...

When number 3 was born, we didn't go many places. Not just because I had a new baby, but because there were three of them and one of me! I was out numbered, out handed {ya know, only having two hands} and pretty much just scared. I have refused invitations to birthday parties, knowing I would have to go alone.  I have grocery shopped at 10pm just so I wouldn't have to take the kids. I passed on fun summer outings for fear that one of the walking children might run from me and then I would have to chase after them, leaving a baby behind, or worse, running with a baby in tow. Oh the nightmares I have concocted!!

But after a couple of months of hiding, I decided I was not doing myself or my children any good. They do need to learn how to behave in public. I do need to get out of the house every once in a while to be my best self. So how do I make it happen??

>Start Small ... To start, we went to Target where they have the giant shopping carts. I strapped the big ones in the seats and placed the baby carrier in the cart. The whole way through we talked about what you can and cannot touch in the store. We also discussed why it's important to stay close to mommy at all times.

>Be Prepared ... I never leave home without snacks, pens and paper, maybe some stickers or other "happy makers". A small diversion could mean dodging a huge meltdown! If you are out to eat or have to wait in a waiting room, try some of these games. So fun!

>Plan, Plan, Plan ... don't leave home without a plan. Where are you going? How long will you be gone? Discuss this with your children so they also know the plan.

>Know Your Limits ... And when I say your limits, I mean yours and your children's. If you know they can handle the park, but you want to pick up a loaf of bread before heading home, consider your options. For me, I would get the bread before the park since my kiddos will play til they are exhausted. 

>Allow for Flexibility ... Even if you have planned and considered your children's capabilities, it might not always go as planned. So allow yourself some room to bend. If I plan to get bread first and the kids start to fuss as we pull into the parking lot, it might be better to go to the park first. Then try for bread later. {or tomorrow, which ever works!}

So when the doctor asks, "How do you do it?", I respond with, "One day at a time." ... Going with the flow and allowing your kids to be kids, while still trying to teach them.

 I might have a zoo at times. And that's okay with me! That's my confession, Mama!

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