Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cabin Fever Crafts

We stayed home and cleaned the house today. And even though it was clean enough for a friend to come over, I didn't feel like I accomplished anything but fussing at the kids and baking more fattening food. {On a side note, why is it every time you are trying to lose weight, all you want is sweets?! UGH!} And to top it all off, it RAINED.....

So what do you do when you have cabin fever??  You break out some boxes, of course!!

We took advantage of the 5 minutes between down pours and pulled out some empty boxes. Immediately, number 1 wanted to make a house. Initially, he wanted to just share one, but I knew that would not work well with number 2. She has a mind of her own and has to do things her way. {Where ever did she get such an independence streak?! .... I have NO idea...}

We broke out the crayons {the REAL, Crayola crayons ... not the waxy substitutes (for my friend's peace of mind)} and made them into cute little homes for my sweet kiddies! Here is what they came up with:

 The little princess(who dresses herself) designing her house

 Welcome to the "Unicorn House" ... because it's not enough to make a house, you have to name it too!

Hard at work, covering every inch with color!

He named his "A Boosgan House" ... whatever that means! Some kind of restaurant he said. He has quite the imagination!

We like to create and craft when we have cabin fever ... What do you do when you are all couped up?!

**For those wondering, these were taken before the water slide came down...don't worry, it has all been taken down now!**

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Choosing Not to Battle

Ever heard anyone say 'choose your battles'? This is a saying I didn't utilize as much until children came into the picture. You know, like when your two-year-old cries and screams and kicks around the floor because it's time to go to church and she wants to wear her tennis shoes instead of her dress shoes. Or when your five-year-old turns on the waterworks because you won't let him watch the same television show for the fourth time in a row. These are the times to 'choose your battles'

>Is it more important to get to church or for your daughter to wear a certain pair of shoes? 

>Should you endure your son's waterworks and pitiful crying or let his brain go to mush? 

....For me, I chose to let my daughter wear her tennis shoes and to endure my son's crying (for the 2 minutes it lasted until I got him distracted making bread for dinner). 

I often choose my battles and decide what is worth the fight and what is not. For me, it's pretty simple. If it's for their safety, too much money, or for my sanity, I fight. If it's not going to hurt anyone or I'm too tired, I give in!

Exhibit G: My daughter's "pajamas" tonight....
In case you can't tell, that is a bathing suit and her cover up. When told to put on pajamas, this is what she brought out. I attempted twice to change her mind, but that was not happening. So I decided it wasn't going to hurt her, it would be okay this one time. Naturally, she responded with, "yep, that's better!". Such an independent little girl!

What battles have you chosen to fight or not to fight recently? 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

When Dinner Flops...

We had a great day Monday ... really, we did! I took all three kiddos to a doctor's visit {first time I've done that and they did pretty darn well}, went to "The One Dollar Store" as my number 1 calls it, even dropped off a prescription at the pharmacy. {I still haven't picked it back up yet, but you have to know your limits with 3 children!} Later, we made homemade soft pretzels that I pinned from this website here. They were amazing, by the way...

And then dinner came...

I had planned to make some Italian Chicken - chicken with canned tomatoes, garlic, basil, marscapone cheese, served over noodles - and french bread. I don't know what I did different, but the chicken was slightly dry and the french bread was flat! And then, of course, I got a little frustrated when number 2 removes the noodles from her plate and onto her napkin, number 1 demands that he will NOT eat that chicken, and number 3 just wants to be held.

Why is it that the dinners I plan and put effort into are the ones the kids dislike the most? They would be happy with hot dogs, chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, and ramen noodles. Hubby is happy with meat and starch ... forget trying to make anything fancy. Should I just give up and make the same boring meals day in and day out?

What do you do? Do you make meals everyone loves even if you don't? Or do you try to broaden your children's {or hubby's} palates?

We are all entitled to something a little more adult meals every now and then, right?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Conquering Public Places

I confess ... three children is quite the zoo sometimes - especially when they are 5 years, 2 years, and 5 months old! Yet a friend commented, "you make 3 look so easy!". And our pediatrician has even asked, "How do you do it?" Here's the true story...

When number 3 was born, we didn't go many places. Not just because I had a new baby, but because there were three of them and one of me! I was out numbered, out handed {ya know, only having two hands} and pretty much just scared. I have refused invitations to birthday parties, knowing I would have to go alone.  I have grocery shopped at 10pm just so I wouldn't have to take the kids. I passed on fun summer outings for fear that one of the walking children might run from me and then I would have to chase after them, leaving a baby behind, or worse, running with a baby in tow. Oh the nightmares I have concocted!!

But after a couple of months of hiding, I decided I was not doing myself or my children any good. They do need to learn how to behave in public. I do need to get out of the house every once in a while to be my best self. So how do I make it happen??

>Start Small ... To start, we went to Target where they have the giant shopping carts. I strapped the big ones in the seats and placed the baby carrier in the cart. The whole way through we talked about what you can and cannot touch in the store. We also discussed why it's important to stay close to mommy at all times.

>Be Prepared ... I never leave home without snacks, pens and paper, maybe some stickers or other "happy makers". A small diversion could mean dodging a huge meltdown! If you are out to eat or have to wait in a waiting room, try some of these games. So fun!

>Plan, Plan, Plan ... don't leave home without a plan. Where are you going? How long will you be gone? Discuss this with your children so they also know the plan.

>Know Your Limits ... And when I say your limits, I mean yours and your children's. If you know they can handle the park, but you want to pick up a loaf of bread before heading home, consider your options. For me, I would get the bread before the park since my kiddos will play til they are exhausted. 

>Allow for Flexibility ... Even if you have planned and considered your children's capabilities, it might not always go as planned. So allow yourself some room to bend. If I plan to get bread first and the kids start to fuss as we pull into the parking lot, it might be better to go to the park first. Then try for bread later. {or tomorrow, which ever works!}

So when the doctor asks, "How do you do it?", I respond with, "One day at a time." ... Going with the flow and allowing your kids to be kids, while still trying to teach them.

 I might have a zoo at times. And that's okay with me! That's my confession, Mama!

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day Jitters

My oldest is about to start school.... Kindergarten! This little boy of mine is so excited! When we went to check out the school he will attend back in April, he wanted to start the very next day. I explained to him that other students were  using the classroom right then and the teachers just weren't ready for him yet. I told him he would have to wait until August. He then told everyone we saw, {grandma's, uncles, friends, strangers at the grocery store} that the teachers didn't want him until August! 

Number 1 is such a lively fella ... he likes to run, jump, roar at his sisters, do super cool tricks, and "art" daily! I know that he will love school and come home with so much more knowledge than I could offer him. But I've got first day jitters.

>Kindergarten means we have a set schedule Monday thru Friday.
>Kindergarten means my best helper will be gone 7 hours out of the day, without me knowing his every move, and in someone else's care!
>Kindergarten means that as soon as he gets home, we have just enough time to do homework, eat dinner, maybe take a walk around the block, bath and bed!
>Kindergarten means we are all going to be tired!

And I keep wondering .... Have I prepared him well? Will he be on his best behavior? Is he going to adjust well? Will I adjust well? Is he going to make new friends the first day? Will his teacher be able to keep his attention... or worse, find him disruptive?

So many questions that I don't know the answer to and won't know until it happens. I can't "google" to find the answer and I can't follow him around everyday just to ease my mind.

This Mama Beare needs to know .... How did you do it? How did you adjust? OR do you think I'm crazy and just need to let go? You tell me....How did you get rid of first day jitters??